Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Garden and flowers

I did NOT kill my garden this year - this is a FIRST:) Here are some of the fruits of my labor - red leaf lettuce (we get about 1 grocery sack full every week - anyone need lettuce)

Sugar baby watermelons we have 6 that are just about ready - can't wait!

These are the teddybear sunflowers we planted - I think they are super cool looking and really hard to kill:)

Our little flower bed - still alive...this is amazing for me-hooray to plants that need very little attention!

We also have green peppers coming out of our ears - we have given alot away. This is just one weeks worth and they just keep coming - any takers?

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Oh My Goodness Angela!! Your produce & garden is gorgeous!! Growing your own lettuce?! Super-green thumb!