Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gabe turned 5 (a long time ago)

'Special' birthday cake:) from the combined birthday party for Gabe and Kent
The party was so much fun complete with bat cave, Mr. Freeze scavanger hunt, and breaking boards (styrofoam) with our super hero kicks:) Gabe and Kent had so much fun with their friends and cousins and I loved having to just plan one party (I am lazy)!

The 'special' Pinata

On Gabe's actual birthday we went up to Grandma/pa B's to celebrate and go swimming - we had a great time!

So - I officially suck at staying caught up on this! Gabe turned 5 on July 11th. Gabe is such a sweet boy. He is such a peacemaker in our house and has a tender little heart. He is so kind to his brother (most of the time) and plays with him all the time. He is such a great kid and we are SO SO SO blessed to have him in our family!

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