Thursday, June 30, 2011

Swimming and parades!

Out of order....Here is their loot from the parade - TONS of candy!

Watching the Syracuse much fun we even found a shady spot - PERFECT!

Gabe started swim lessons {Kent will start them in 3 weeks}. Here he is lounging waiting to start - I promise I feed my child:)

Kicking like crazy - Gabe loves to be in the water!

Happy Birthday Kent...goodbye Grandma B.

Our sweet Grandma B. Passed away on June 22nd {Kent's Birthday}. It was sad for us but so happy for her - she is with Grandpa now! She was the BEST grandma in the world and I have been flooded with so many amazing memories {dipping chocolates, fishing trips, card games, cookies, her hugs and kisses, homemade gifts, etc}. She sacrificed so much for her family and made us all feel loved and cared for! She is such a great example to me of how I want to live my life and the type of woman I want to be....we will miss you so much and we love you! Some of Grandma B's 52 (and counting) great grandkids!

Kent turned THREE....holy crap - my baby is 3! Kent is such a sweet kid and makes us all laugh. He gives the BEST hugs and loves to snuggle. He loves to wrestle and play with his brother and our family would not be complete without him! For his birthday we just had a little celebration Gabe and Kent are having their big combined birthday party next week. Here he is with Gabe on the present Gabe gave him. Love you Kenter beans!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lucky, lucky, lucky!

Fun visit with great grandpa and grandma Wick - so fun! Best part was having root beer floats:)


Great grandma Bartholomew

So...I turned THIRTY! I was feeling very sad about this but then something amazing happened - I had a FABULOUS birthday! On friday my friends threw me a surprise get together (thanks Nichol) sorry no photos - but it was so great to see everyone again! Then on Saturday my family threw me a surprise party - I had NOOOO fun this is a pictionary game they played all the things to draw were all about me - so funny:) This is my nephew Matthew drawing - he rocked at the game:)

Pinning the hat on Angela's huge head - so much fun! It is official I am the LUCKIEST thirty year old in the whole entire world! Thanks everybody for reminding me of just how blessed and loved I am!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Thought we better document this - Adam and I actually went on a date while we were in Idaho - we hadn't been on one since 8/10 - so I suppose it was about time. Our schedules are a bit crazy with Adam working FT and going to police academy and I work PT. Anyway, it was super fun to spend some time with each other....thanks Nana and Papa for watching boys!

The main reason for our visit to Adam's family was to celebrate his Dad's retirement...we had a lot of fun!

My new obsession!

Almost finished....still need to pull a bunch of weeds from around planter boxes....but almost there:)Found this beauty amongst a sea of weedsI felt a HUGE sense of accomplishment when I pulled this guy out - holy long root batman!

This is just one of two and a half loads of weeds I pulled! Yard work is taken care of under our lease agreement but I think some people may have a different idea of yard work then others:) Hence, my latest obsession....

Monday, June 6, 2011

preschool grad!

Grandpa and grandma B. took us to Chuck-e-Cheese for Gabe's graduation gift
Gabe with his teacher Miss Connie. Gabe and his BFF Caden. I can't believe my little guy is getting so old! He did so great in preschool and is SUPER excited to start kindergarton (sniff, sniff)...when did this happen - I can't believe he will be 5 in just 1 month!