Friday, May 16, 2008

Our little stick man!

Gabe and I participate in a weekly playgroup at the park....his new obsession is having a stick in each hand - he will NOT let go of, even when he is sliding down the slide or swinging on the swings. He is very particular about the size of the sticks also and tries to find two that match perfectly...he is so cute! I also thought it would be fun to post some 'Gabisms':
stick = kick
chocolate milk = maki milk
pretzel = metzel
baby brother = baby brodder
bath = scruba buba (ok so I am the one who started this one)
daddy = 'Ad' or 'Adam'
slides = ready, go!
Gabe counting to 5 = 1, 2, 3, 7, 18, maki milk, turtles
movie = boobie
I just think he is the cutest little guy in the world...thanks for putting up with all my posts!


Lindsay Bartholomew said...

My favorite is movie (well boobie!) Halarious!

Brooke said...

Angela! I can't believe I found your blog! What an adorable family you have. Best wishes as your baby comes soon!


Ok the stick thing is cute, as are his cheecks,but just wait till he eats dirt........ubber full of nutrients....I want that pic!!

Unknown said...

He sounds like a little organizer...that could be really good later!!! He sure is sweet! And I LOVE all the blogs! Keep em up!