Monday, May 10, 2010

I am one lucky mama!

This Saturday we all went to Gardner Village and the Conservation Garden Park - Even though I am completely out numbered as far as being a girl.... my boys aren't afraid to do some girly stuff now and then:) My little Kenter Beans - This photo was taken today after we got back from spending 3 hours at the park = running, throwing sand, finding various pieces of garbage (treasures). I sat the boys on the couch to watch Curious George while I made dinner...this is Kent literally 4 minutes later:) Kent is such a joy - he is so friendly and melts my little heart with his big brown puppy dog eyes and his hugs and kisses which he will give to ANYONE!

Family day at the Fish Hatchery in North Ogden - I love family days so stinking much:)

My Gaber Babers - This is not such a great picture but this describes Gabe perfectly - he LOVES all living creatures and wants to know all about them. He is holding a baby turtle in this photo at Baby Animal Days up in Logan. Gabe is so creative and loving, he loves to tell stories, read books, catch bugs, etc but he also loves to snuggle and always tells me he loves me (without being told). He is so kind and loving and I love him to pieces!

Another great family day at the Mayan!

Couldn't ask for anything more - two adorable boys and one happy family!


Bettridge Family said...

We need to get together!! I want to hang out with you. We could meet in SL and do something fun. Lori should be closing on her house this week. She will have way more time now. What is your e-mail so I can invite you to my blog? My e-mail is if you want to send me a message with your e-mail. I am not on facebook so I'm glad you have a blog so I can see what you guys are up to. Such cute boys. You are a lucky mom!!

Sharla said...

Cute pictures!! That's fun that you went to the fish hatchery. That totally brings back memories of summertime blues.

Camie Walworth said...

Fun times!! and cute you!! You are an amazing mom!